Paula has twenty years’ experience as leading operations as a director and chief operating officer in the public and private sector. She has worked as a high-growth coach. She is a lecturer in leadership practice and a consultant, also working in-company as a practicing school business manager. She is a non-executive director of a multi-academy trust. Outside of work, Paula is a mountain rescue search dog handler with her dog Amber, and a search manager.

Paula’s expertise is in supporting growth, change and business improvement.


Paula has twenty years’ experience as leading operations as a director and chief operating officer in the public and private sector. She has worked as a high-growth coach. She is a lecturer in leadership practice and a consultant, also working in-company as a practicing school business manager. She is a non-executive director of a multi-academy trust. Outside of work, Paula is a mountain rescue search dog handler with her dog Amber, and a search manager.

Paula’s expertise is in supporting growth, change and business improvement.


  • Planning for growth or a change in status (i.e. maintained to academy, SAT to MAT, small MAT to larger MAT)

  • System integration and rationalisation

  • Strategic financial planning

  • Developing central teams

  • Strategic HR, e.g. people development, organisational design, legal considerations

  • Recruitment, retention and performance management

  • Change management

  • Insights Discovery


Paula helps senior leaders – and their teams, if this is required – to explore their current leadership style and inquire about their strengths, assessing which might benefit from dialing down and what they are accessing less often and would increase their resourcefulness by dialing up.

This transformational approach, using Insights Discovery, is of significant value to schools preparing to embark on a journey into a MAT, or have got stuck in the process. It helps leaders consider how to successfully lead their school into a new organisation and how they might need to adapt their style to benefit from the new structure.

If you would like to request consultancy support via this consultant, then please click here to request your initial free consultation.


Traysi-Jayne Higgin


Graeme Hornsby